
Margaret Seymour Margaret Seymour

Something New….

I’ve tested a new system for goal setting (and achieving) with a couple clients over the past few months focusing on both running and general life goals. We’re in the initial phases of the program, but the energy it’s brought is incredible – to the both the clients and me, the coach.  

Really thinking through a plan feels like bringing the mom, the military planner, the diplomat, the therapist, and the writer in me, all of me to coaching.

I’ve been coaching runners for nearly five years now, figuring out how to help folks run their first, or fastest marathon, helping runners set new distance PRs or even win ultras. I’ve loved helping moms figure out how running fits with their new roles as caretaker, nurturer, grower of human beings. Now, I’m more than excited to expand my coaching practice to focus more all that “mental” aspect of running and training.

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Margaret Seymour Margaret Seymour

My Problem With NY Resolutions

 It forced me to go back in order to go forward, to go in order to get out. It held me firmly in the space in between what was and what I wanted to be. All those miles pushed me to really deal with my past, my pain, and my own behavior in response to both. It allowed me to prepare my head, my heart, for what was next. And for these transformations, preparation is paramount.

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Margaret Seymour Margaret Seymour

Just Quit!

To quit is to be weak. To quit is to fail. As an ultrarunner, this mentality has been one of my greatest assets. Unfortunately, in life, it’s been one of my greatest liabilities.

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Usama qamar Usama qamar

F@*% Balance

So maybe balance isn’t the goal at all, unless you want life in two dimensions, locked in a perfect symmetry. Maybe the goal should be something messier, richer, and with more movement. Maybe instead of balance, we go for harmony. 

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Usama qamar Usama qamar

Why 100% is Actually Easier

We tell ourselves, hell the entire fitness community tells us, that we can always just dig down deeper, pull from our reserves. We push through, go harder, longer, faster. We sacrifice sleep for early morning miles and again for late night weight sessions. We do two things at once because we know we don’t have more hours, but we do have more energy. We can fake it with coffee and Red Bulls, Instagram reels, or a splash of cold water to the face. We never think of our energy, our focus, as exhaustible. 

Until we are exhausted.

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