The Importance of Education
Running, like education, is life transforming – it takes you places you never would have imagined
I’ve always said that running was one of my favorite and most effective teachers. The things I’ve learned about myself and life on the trails, including during this cross-country journey, I could have learned in few other places. Experiences allow you to learn from the world and yourself, formal education allows you to learn from others, and that’s why I’ve always been a big advocate for both formal education and experiential knowledge. It’s why I went to college, then joined the Marine Corps. It’s why I also pursued graduate school, twice, while in the Marine Corps and am approaching the end of my doctorate program in international studies.
I learned a great deal from my time in the Marine Corps. I grew up fast and learned how to lead in my own style. While there were tactical manuals, doctrine, and official publications to reference, the overwhelming majority of what I learned was through experience. During my first deployment, I learned about Afghanistan through reading first-hand reports and translated documents. I learned about the terrain by flying over it. I fancied myself a little bit of an expert on Afghanistan, until I started my master’s thesis on Afghanistan. I quickly realized that my experiences, and what I learned from them, were but a slice of the rich tapestry of knowledge out there.
This desire to gain a deeper understanding of the topics that interested me, inspired me to further my formal education. Just like in the Marine Corps, I would never be an expert in admin or logistics, nor did I have time to experience those lessons firsthand, but I knew there would be an expert somewhere to tell me. Running is the same. I’ve learned what works for me and what doesn’t through miles and error, but I’ve also picked up a book or two and listened to my fair share of podcasts. As I am now transitioning to civilian life, I have a better understanding of how education played a key role during my time in active duty, and am experiencing the amount of support it provides during my current transition.
I feel fortunate to have found a great partner during this transition, and cross-country journey, through the support of National University. Like National University, I believe in the power of education to inspire and strengthen communities and I am excited to share my experiential and formal knowledge with current and future National University students, many who like me are transitioning to civilian life. In fact, about 25 percent of National University’s student population are active duty, veterans or family members. The University’s founder, retired U.S. Navy lieutenant commander David Chigos, understood how deployments, relocations, and work schedules posed a challenge for military students and the University created a format that adapts to our needs, offering a wide range of programs, including cybersecurity, business and criminal justice that are available online, on bases and on campuses.
As a Yellow Ribbon School, the University also accepts the post 9/11 GI Bill and strongly supports the Forever GI Bill. An estimated one million military personnel are expected to transition to civilian jobs over the next 3-5- years, which is why the GI Bill has been so beneficial, as is the newer Forever GI Bill, which expands education benefits and further reduces education costs to military-affiliated students. The nation understands that in order to properly support and serve our troops, we have to ensure that they have access to formal education.
I look forward to giving back to others when I return to teach at National University. I believe we all can learn from each other, and I’m certainly doing just that during this journey as I have the chance to connect with people from all walks of life. I am proud to be among those one million military personnel who are transitioning to civilian life, and glad to be channeling my passion for learning through life and education into a new role. Who knows where it will take me but as I strive toward achieving my goals, one step at a time, I hope to inspire others to be lifelong learners and achieve their education, career and life goals.