What's Next?
Has it really be a month since I hit the Atlantic Ocean? Seems like just yesterday, and a lifetime ago. I’ve been asked a lot this month, “What’s Next?” both in life and running. And while I have about seven answers to the first part (seriously – journalist, advocate, mental health/running coach, non-profit leader, professional feminist, FSO, security wonk), I have one awesome answer to the second.
What’s next is a 6,000 mile, relay run across the country, from Ft Irwin, California to Arlington, VA. Wait, Maggie, didn’t you just do that? Yeah, but this is different, stick with me.
In April of next year, Honor and Remember will kick off the largest tribute to Gold Star families I’ve ever seen (possibly ever?). Runners will start in Ft Irwin, CA and run one mile for every service member killed since the USS Cole. Teams of four runners will carry flags honoring our country, our fallen service members, and their gold star families, stopping at each mile to read the name(s) of fallen servicemembers. I’ve had the honor of doing four smaller versions of this over the years and their impact on me has been permanent and profound. At the end of each day the runners and team will conduct a flag ceremony, presenting an Honor and Remember flag to a gold star family in honor of their sacrifice.
So that’s what’s next for me. I’ll help plan the California, Georgia, and South Carolina portions of the run, and try and get out for as many days as I can. But I need your help, again. Here’s how you can get involved.
Check out the website. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Sign up for our virtual race for a sweet medal and tee shirt!
Donate to the cause!!!
Sign up to be a runner (or volunteer)!!!
Find your fallen hero, or have their name added here
And as always….SPREAD THE WORD. No, not bird.