Where Did Your Money Go?


I’ve said it before, but I’ll keep saying it, this run was overwhelming in a lot of ways – some good, some bad. One of the best ways was how much people from every corner of my life supported me – financially or otherwise. Crowdrise says we had 241 donations online alone! So, what did we do with all that money?

We started out the run by completing the fundraising for Team Liam’s specialized racing chair, custom made by Team Hoyt Racing Chairs with artwork by Liam’s IRun4 buddy Ty Godwin. As Ty says, this was a classic example of “give a dime, get a dollar.” Through your donations, we not only got to gift Liam a chair, but we got give Joan and Fabian (Liam’s parents) the opportunity to run with their child – and I got a couple new wonderful friends.

We also we able to complete fundraising for a chair for another San Diego teenager – Andy, the son of Robin and Heath. Another military family, Robin is the Ainsley’s Angels ambassador in Southern California and does amazing work for special needs athletes.

As we hit the halfway point in Oklahoma, your money went to fund a Freedom racing chair for the Meredith and Laura and their amazing family of Annie’s House. These ladies are truly remarkable. They have five special needs children and are truly a source of love and caring for everyone they meet.

As we crossed over into Arkansas your donations funded two freedom racing chairs for the new Ainsley’s Angels ambassadorship in Arkansas led by Jarrett Banks – another new friend. Jarrett is doing absolutely wonderful things in Ft Smith, both through Ainsley’s Angels and his church, where he’s a pastor.

Your donations also funded two freedom chairs for Ainsley’s Angels in Washington State, run by good friend and lovely human Sarah Poppe. Sarah, an Army spouse, nurse and all around badass of love, came out to support for a few days and is one of my most precious friends.

Your donations also sponsored a Team Hoyt racing chair for the San Diego chapter of Team Hoyt, triathlon equipment for Team Hoyt Virginia Beach, and racing equipment for the Illinois ambassadorship of Ainsley’s Angels – run by my sister Rachel! Your donations also supported Team Hoyt Arizona and the soon to be official Team Hoyt Ohio!!

For the veterans, we were able to invest in a veteran mead maker as she launches her mead business, Wit and Mettle Meads. As part of that investment, Marine veteran Casey Jackson granted Run Free naming rights to a line of mead brewing right now! The new line will be named “No Worries” and will be dedicated to CWO2 Miles P Henderson. Miles was killed in Iraq in 2006. His mother and father hosted me on their ranch in Canadian, TX and “No Worries” is a shortened version of one of Miles’ favorite bible verses – Philippians 4:6.

We were also able to donate $2500 to the Mission Continues, an organization that helps veterans transition to a life of service outside the military and $6000 to Warrior Expeditions. Warrior Expeditions, founded and run by Sean Gobin, sponsors veterans on outside expeditions as a way to transition from wartime experiences. Sean came out to the run to support through some of the hottest days and yet another remarkable human being.

We were also able to make a $500 donation to Jacksonville, Il AMVETs post, who graciously hosted a celebration party for me.

For the gold star family community, we were able to donate $3000 to wear blue: run to remember Gold Star race program. This program sponsors gold star families to run marathons as a way to honor and grieve their fallen family members.

Finally, with $5000 we were able to support next year’s Run for the Fallen a cross country tribute to fallen service members sponsored by Honor and Remember.

Altogether you all have contributed $46k to this adventure and the communities who have embraced me. I’ve had a few more requests for specialized equipment so I’m going to keep the fundraiser open indefinitely, or at least until I decide on the next adventure, so feel free to make your Christmas donations, Hanukkah gifts, or non-denominational tax contributions here.


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